Friday, January 8, 2010

Therapeutic Communications: 7 items

Therapeutic Communications: 7 items
1. Client: "I had an accident"

Nurse: "Tell me about your accident"

This is an example of which therapeutic communication technique?
a. Making observation
b. Offering self
c. General Lead
d. Reflection

2. "Earlier today you said you were concerned that your son was still upset with you. Whstopped by your room aobut an hour ago, you and your son seemed relaxed and smiling as you spoke to each other. How did things go between the two of you?"

This is an example of which therapeutic communication techniques?
a. Consensual Validation
b. Encouraging Comparison
c. Accepting
d. General Lead

3. "Why do you always complain about the night nurse? She is a nice woman and a fine nurse and has five kids to support. You're wrong when you say she is noisy and uncaring."

This example reflects which non-therapeutic technique?
a. Requesting an explaination
b. Defending
c. Disagreeing
d. Advising

4. "How does Jerry make you upset?"is a nontherapeutic communication technique because it
a. Gives a literal response
b. Indicates an external source of the emotion
c. Interprets what the client is saying
d. Is just another steroetyped comment

5. Client: "I was so upset about my sister ignoring my pain when I broke my leg."

Nurse: "When are you going to your next diabetes education program?

This is a nontherapeutic response because the nurse has
a. Used testing to evaluate the client's insight
b. Changed the topic
c. Exhibited an egocentric focus
d. Advised the client what to do

6. When the client says, "I met Joe at the dance last week," what was the best way for the nurse to ask the client to describe her relationship with Joe?
a. "Joe who?"
b. "Tell me about Joe."
c. "Tell me about you and Joe."
d. "Joe, you mean that blond guy with the dark blue eyes?"

7. Which of the following is a concrete message?
a. "Help me put this pile of books on Marsha's desk."
b. "Get this out here."
c. "When is she coming home?"
d. "They said it is too early to get in."

Congratulations!! You have finished Chapter 6!!

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