Friday, January 8, 2010

Client's Response to Illness:8 items

Client's Response to Illness:8 items

1. Which of the following is important for nurse to remember when administering psychotropic drugs to nonwhites?
a. Lower doses may be used to produced desired effects
b. Fewer side effects occur with nonwhite clients
c. Response to the drug is similar to that in whites
d. No gemeralization can be made

2. Which of the following states the naturalistic view of what causes illness?
a. Illness is a natural part of life and therefor unavoidable
b. Illness is caused by cold, heat, wind, and dampness
c. Only natural agents are effective in treating illness
d. Outside agents, such as evil spirits, upset the body's natural balance

3. Which of the following is most influential in determining health beliefs and practices?
a. Cultural factors
b. Individual factors
c. Interpersonal factors
d. All the above are equally influential

4. Which of the following groups considers a firm handshake a sign of a strengths?
a. White European Americans
b. Filipinos
c. Mexican Americans
d. NAtive Americans

5. Which of the following group considers direct eye contact a lack of respects?
a. African Americans
b. Arab Americans
c. Russians
d. Vietnamese

6. Which of the following assessments indicates positive growth and development for a 30-year-old adult?
a. Is dissatisfied with body image
b. Enjoys social activities wit three or more close friends
c. Frequently changes jobs to "find the right one"
d. Plans to move from parental home in near future

7. Which of the following statements would cause concern for achievement of development tasks of a 55-year old woman?
a. "I feel like I'm taking care of my parents now."
b. "I really enjoy just sitting around visiting my friends."
c. "My children need me now just as much as when they were small."
d. "When I retire, I want a smaller house to take care of."

8. Which of the following client statements would indicate self-efficacy?
a. "I like to get several opinions before deciding a course of action."
b. "I know if I can learn to relax, I will feel better."
c. "I'm never sure if I'm making the right decision."
d. "No matter how hard I try to relax, something always comes up."
You have finished Chapter 7!

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